Learning Space Design Guidelines
The UBC Learning Space Design Guidelines (LSDG) were originally developed in 2011 as a guide for the planning and design of learning spaces at UBC, both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses
The LSDG are used in the development of new classrooms as well as renovations and upgrades of existing learning spaces. They cover all aspects of learning spaces, from room types and furniture to instructional technology and aim to minimize design and construction problems that may negatively affect learning spaces.
The LSDG has been a valued asset for many years, providing project teams with a practical design document for reference. The document highlights different types of learning spaces and important considerations for creating successful spaces. In 2022, the document was updated to include design considerations for Teaching Laboratories as well as minor updates throughout.
Guidelines for classroom acoustics are found in UBC’s Technical Guidelines Division 10 (Section 10 00 10, 1.20).